In this stage, the yolk-sac larvae are kept in a dark environment, digesting the yolk sac.
The larvae are fed small live feed such as Artemia - it provides essential nutrients that promote rapid and healthy development and an optimal metamorphosis into the weaning phase.
The larvae gradually transition from live feed to formulated feed as they are approaching the juvenile phase.
The juveniles are monitored closely, with a focus on ensuring steady growth and monitoring health and welfare indicators.
Our carefully cultivated broodstock supplies our production process.
Enables precise feeding and size-based sorting to ensure uniform growth, reduce competition, and improve survival for the next stages.
The fish are placed into larger environments and welfare is a continued priority.
For the best quality of the final product Amar Seafood delivers the fish Head-on-Gutted (HOG).
The final phase where fish are raised to their full harvest size.
Fertilized eggs from broodstock are kept under controlled conditions until they hatch into yolk-sac larvae.
Our carefully cultivated broodstock supplies our production process.
Fertilized eggs from broodstock are kept under controlled conditions until they hatch into larvae.
In this stage, the yolk.sec larvea are kept in a dark environment, digesting the yolk sac.
The larvae are fed small live feed such as Artemia - it provides essential nutrients that promote rapid and healthy development and an optimal metamorphosis into the weaning phase.
The larvae gradually transition from live feed to formulated feed as they are approaching the juvenile phase.
The juveniles are monitored closely, with a focus on ensuring steady growth and monitoring health and welfare indicators.
Proper feeding protocols are ensured as the fish steadily continues to grow.
The fish are placed into larger environments and welfare is a continued priority.
The final phase where fish are raised to their full harvest size
For the best quality of the final product Amar Seafood delivers the fish head-on-gutted (HOG)